Corporate Registration

Refrigeration Operator Training Systems

Corporate Clients

Refrigeration Operator Training Systems guarantees a passing mark/grade the first time your company designated TSSA exam candidate writes the refrigeration B exam.

If your designated exam candidate is unsuccessful for any reason during their first exam attempt, Refrigeration Operator Training Systems will cover all associated costs associated with preparing the student for a second attempt at the TSSA refrigeration B exam, including the cost of the TSSA exam fee and any overtime related monies that have to be paid to the student to get them exam ready the second time through, up to $2,000.

Refrigeration Operator Training Systems recommends the fastest way to get your staff exam ready is four (4) full 8 hour training Saturdays.


Our corporate discounts are as follows and apply to/for multiple students being taught online together and learning at the same time: 

Student 1) $9,997 (No discount). Student 2) $7,997 (20% discount). Student 3) $5,997 (40% discount). Student 4) $3,997 (60% discount). Student 5) $1,997 (80% discount). Student 6) $997 (90% discount). Student 7) and all subsequent students $5,997 (40% discount). 

As you will notice, the average corporate discount is 40% off the single student cost. Please note that even with the deep client discounts offered, Refrigeration Operator Training Systems will still standby the $2,000 return of fees to offset any overtime costs that may be associated with preparing the student for the unlikely event that they may have to write any subsequent exams.

Corporate Program Fees

1 Student Fee

$9,997 CAD + HST

No discount

2 Student Fee

$17,994 CAD + HST

20% discount on 2nd student

3 Student Fee

$23,991 CAD + HST

Same discounts as previous + 40% discount for 3rd student.

4 Student Fee

$27,998 CAD + HST

Same discounts as previous + 60% discount for 4th student.

5 Student Fee

$29,985 CAD + HST

Same discounts as previous + 80% discount for 5th student.

6 Student Fee

$30,982 CAD + HST

Same discounts as previous + 90% discount for 6th student.

7 Student Fee

$36,979 CAD + HST

Same discounts as previous + 40% discount for 7th student.

Over 7 Student

$5,997 CAD + HST 

Each Student


40% discount for each student

Registration Form